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  • 10 Vastu-Approved Ways to Transform Your Home’s Exterior for Positive Energy
July 20, 2023


The design of a home’s exterior is just as important as its interior. It not only creates a first impression but also sets the tone for the energy and atmosphere of the entire property. Just like the interior design, the exterior design should be in alignment with principles of Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural science. By incorporating Vastu principles into the exterior features, colors, design, gardens, and parking of your home, you can attract positive energy and create a harmonious living environment. In this blog post, we will explore the various aspects of Vastu for the exteriors of a house and provide valuable tips and guidelines for creating a Vastu-compliant exterior that radiates positivity and prosperity.

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Exterior Features of House as Per Vastu

When it comes to Vastu, it’s not just the interiors that matter. The exteriors of a house also play a crucial role in transmitting energies. By designing the exterior according to Vastu principles, you can create a positive and prosperous vibe. Let’s explore some key exterior features to consider:

Exterior Colour of the House as Per Vastu

The color of your home’s exterior walls can convey the personalities of those who live there and significantly impact the energy flow. Here are some Vastu-approved colors to paint your exteriors:

  • Blue: Choose a lighter shade of blue to create a calming and heavenly energy, promoting long-lasting friendships.
  • Green: Use green to infuse tranquility, growth, and nature into your home. It can also enhance romantic chemistry between partners.
  • Yellow: Painting the exteriors yellow can bring optimism, happiness, and power. It’s especially beneficial for those aiming for career advancements.
  • White: Opt for white exterior paint to purify your home from impure energies and create an elegant and timeless look. It can also make your house appear more spacious.
  • Orange: According to Vastu, orange is a vibrant color that energizes and cheers up your home. It creates a warm and inviting atmosphere.
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Exterior Design

Vastu principles extend to different components of exterior design, which can enhance harmony and well-being in your family. Pay attention to the following suggestions:

  • The security cabin or servant quarters should face southwest to ensure their engagement and obedience. Other directions could lead to distraction and accidents.
  • Balance the energy in the southwest area by placing the overhead water tank there.
  • Install borewell or tube well in the north, east, or northeast direction for a steady inflow of money and abundance.
  • Position basements and submerged storage tanks in the northeast direction for success and prosperity.
  • Make sure the compound wall surrounding the house is taller and thicker than the house’s walls. The western and southern walls should be taller to provide UV protection.
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Gardens As Per Vastu

The orientation of your garden plays a significant role in attracting positive energy and deflecting negative energy. Here’s what Vastu recommends for gardening:

North and East are considered auspicious directions for a garden, while the south and west should be avoided. Some specific guidelines include:

  • Planting gardens or plants in the north direction can open up new career opportunities and promote professional growth.
  • Tulsi (Holy Basil) planted in the north is believed to bring happiness to the household.
  • Avoid growing prickly or thorny plants in the north direction. For fruit plants, the east direction is considered auspicious.

Parking as per Vastu

The location of parking in your house also affects the flow of energy. Consider the following Vastu guidelines:

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The ideal location for parking is the southwest corner facing west or south. Avoid parking in the northeast direction as it hampers the flow of energy. Additionally, ensure that the walls of the garage are made of cement.

Do’s and Don’ts

Here are some do’s and don’ts to follow while incorporating Vastu principles into the exteriors of your home:

Do’s Don’ts
  • Choose bright or light colors like blue, green, yellow, white, and orange for a positive and happy ambiance.
  • Keep the exteriors open for good ventilation and ample sunlight, promoting health and well-being.
  • Abide by Vastu principles to benefit from their holistic advantages.
  • Avoid dark colors like maroon or black as they can invite negative energy.
  • Avoid cluttering the exterior space with excessive details and accents, which may create a chaotic energy.
  • Don’t disregard Vastu principles, as it may hinder the flow of prosperity and positivity.
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Your home becomes a haven of happiness and positive energy when Vastu principles are applied to both the interiors and exteriors. By incorporating Vastu-compliant features, colors, design, gardens, and parking into your home’s exterior, you can attract prosperity, health, and happiness. Embrace Vastu and create a harmonious living environment for yourself and your loved ones.


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